

Mabbott, Mr John

1 Mr John – In 1918 Lot 7, Drove Cottage ?3a?

Mabbott, Mr John

Mabbott, Mrs Annie

Mabbott, Mr Hugh

Mabbott, Mr Richard

3 Mr John and Mrs Annie – parents of Mr Hugh

3 Mr Hugh – b~1891 – d 27.6.1914 aged 23 – forth son of Mr John and Mrs Annie

3 Mr Richard – d 14.10.1889 – eldest son of Mr John and Mrs Annie, interred at Little Ponton

Mabbott, John

Mabbott, William

Mabbott, George

Mabbott, Herbert

Mabbott, Beatrice

Mabbott, Ethel

15 William,John, George & Herbert – all received good attendance prizes at school during the period 1886 – 1892. (Prob sons of John/Annie – and brothers of Hugh and Robert)

15 Beatrice and Ethel (“never absent’) received good attendance prizes at school in 1893.

(later Mrs Preston)

Preston, William Harrison

 Macdougal /Macrae, Miss Isabel

16 – 07/02/1878 – PrestonWilliam Harrison married Isabel Macrae Macdougal

Relatives of the Thorpes – sister of Mrs Thorpe. (add detail)

Macklock, John

Macklock, Mrs Mary (née White)

16 – 14/12/1748 – John Macklockmarried Mary White

Maher, William

15 William – 3s for passing in three subjects during period at school


36 – Will Proved 1691 Husb/Yeoman

Maltby, Miss Eliz (later Mrs Foster)

Foster, Jonathan

16 – 22/06/1826 – Jonathan Foster married Eliz Maltby

Maltby, Miss Jane (later Mrs Richards)

Richards, Joseph

16 – 01/11/1852 – Joseph Richards married Jane Maltby

Maltby, Herbert

20 – 1950 at 4, Council houses, p.res

18/19 at Balderton Lane

Maltby, Mrs

Lived in old people’s bungalows on Well Green during 1990s.

Burgled – appears in Newark Advertiser. (check)

Man, Mrs Marie (later Mrs Fukes)

Fukes, Richard

16 – 02/12/1663 – Richard Fukes married Marie Man

Mandefield, Thomas

Mandefield, Elizabeth (née Astling)

16 – 02/04/1792 – Thomas Mandefield married Elizabeth Astling       

Manning, Mr Frederick James

Manning, Mrs Elizabeth

3 Mr Frederick James – d 15.11.1965 aged 78; b~1897

3 Mrs Elizabeth – 28.8.1959 aged 63 wife to Mr Frederick James, b~1896

Mannours, Miss Hellen (later Mrs Robbinson)

Robbinson, John

16 – 27/02/1688 – John Robbinson married Hellen Mannours (Manners?)

Mitchell, Mrs Elizabeth (later Mrs Bell)

Bell, Mr William

37 – 23.7.1723 – William Bell of Coddington, aged 50 (b~1683) married Elizabeth Mitchell, widow, at Newark. (his second marriage?)

Marfleet, Mr Charles

7 Mr Charles – in 1864 farmer

28 – In 1872 Charles Marfleet Esq. is the farmer at Bassingham – Jonathan Yelland was listed in 1869 as his baliff.

Margerrison, Ms Edith Ellen

3 Ms Edith Ellen – d 20.12.1915

Margerrison, Mr Tom

Margerrison, Mrs Kate

3 Mr Tom- d 2.5.1934 aged 76; b~1858

13 Mr Tom – in 1916 farmer

9/22 Mr Tom – in 1928 – 1932 The Nook

3 Mrs Kate – d 20.6.1933 aged 74 – wife to Mr Tom; b~1859

Margerrison, Mr James Harold

Margerrison, Mrs Blanche

3 Mr James Harold – d 26.1.1953 aged 70, b~1883

9/21/22 Mr James Harold – in 1928, 1932, 1936-8 builder

10 Mr James Harold – in 1941 builder Newark 702

10/20 – 1942- 1950 builder, Tel Nwk 702

3 Mrs Blanche – d 3.1.1971 aged 83; b~1888

Marratt, Miss Ann (later Mrs Carby)

Carby, William         

16 – 16/10/1817- William Carby married Ann Marratt                            

Marriott, William

Marriott, Mrs Sarah   (nee Goss)

16 – 15/01/1824 – William Marriottmarried Sarah  Goss

Marrot, Miss Mary (later Mrs Brunt)

Brunt, Thomas

16 – 13/11/1668 – Thomas Brunt married Mary Marrot.

Marsden, Miss Sarah (later Mrs Elliott)

Elliott, Thomas

16 – 02/11/1893 – Thomas Elliott married Sarah Marsden

Marshall, Elizabeth

36B – Elizabeth Marshall, widow Coddington – Will dated 17.7.1575; Proved 1(2?).1.1575; York ref Vol19  Fol88   

Marshall, Miss Mary (later Mrs Harker)

Harker, Joseph

16 – 06/02/1677 – Joseph Harker married Mary Marshall

Marshall, Mrs Hannah

Marshall, Mr William

3 Mrs Hannah – d Tuesday 4.9.1810 aged 37 yrs 2 days – wife to Mr William; b~1773

3 Mr William

Marshall, Mr James

6 Mr James – in 1832 victualer

Marshall, Miss Eliza (later Mrs Town)

Town, John

16 – 13/06/1836 – John Town married Eliza Marshall          

Marshall, Edward

Marshall, Charlotte

Marshall, Elizabeth

35 1841 Census

Edward Marshall, age 40 b~1801, Y(in Notts), Agricultural labourer

Charlotte Marshall, age 30 b~1811, Y(in Notts)

Elizabeth Marshall, age 3 b~1838, Y(in Notts

Folio 7, 862

Marshall, widow

15 a widow – Marshall was marked on Rev Frederick Taverner’s 1857 map.

Marshall, Robert

Marshall, Mrs Martha (nee Beckitt)

16 – 29/11/1856 – Robert Marshallmarried MarthaBeckitt

Marshall, Miss Elizabeth (later Mrs Taylor)

Taylor, Thomas

16 – 02/05/1861 – Thomas Taylor married Elizabeth Marshall

Marshall, Miss Annie (later Mrs Bryan)

Bryan, Robert

Marshall, Miss Annie

16– 17/09/1878 – Robert Bryan married Annie Marshall

29 – Miss Annie Marshall listed in 1879 as a dressmaker

Marshall, Mrs

29 – in 1879 Mrs Marshall listed as Chapel Keeper.        

Marten, Miss Elizabeth (later Mrs Pilgram)

Pilgram, Joseph

16 – 10/12/1723 – Joseph Pilgram married Elizabeth Marten        

Martin, William

Martin, Mrs Mary (née Beckitt)         

16 – 15/05/1823 – William Martin married Mary Beckitt

Masden, Sarah

Masden, Tom

Masden, William

15 Sarah, Tom prize for school attendance during period

15 Thomas and William got 3s for passes in three subjects in the period 1877 – 1882

Mason, Thomas

Mason, Mrs Mary (née Franncklin)

16 – 09/07/1622 – Thomas Mason married Mary Franncklin     

Mason, Miss Isabell (later Mrs More)

More, Thomas

16 – 12/05/1664 – Thomas More married Isabell Mason         

Mason, An(n) (later Mrs Jonson)

Jonson, Christopher

16 – 24/06/1676 – Christopher Jonson married An Mason

Mason, Miss Mary (later Mrs Linny)

Linny, John

16 – 24/11/1679 – John Linny married Mary Mason


36 – Will Proved 1680 Yeoman

Mason, Miss Elizabeth (later Mrs Starnill)

Starnill, Mr William

16 – 10/05/1680 – William Starnill married Elizabeth Mason         


36 – will proved  1730 Husb/Yeoman


36 – will proved  1753 Labourer

Mason, Miss Ann (later Mrs


16 – 24/11/1779 – Joseph Adams married Ann Mason             

Mason Miss Sarah, (later Mrs Clawson)

Clawson, John

16 – 20/03/1792 – John Clawson married Sarah Mason

Mason, Miss Eliz (later Mrs Weightman)

Weightman, William

16 – 06/03/1823 – William Weightman married Eliz Mason

Mason, Jane

35 1841 Census

Jane Mason, age 70 b~1771, Y(in Notts),

Folio 12, 862

Mastin, John

Mastin, Mrs Mary (née Hickman)        

16 – 05/02/1771 – John Mastin married Mary Hickman         

Mastin, William

Mastin, Mrs Mary (nee Hodson)

16 – 10/06/1823 – William Mastin married Mary Hodson           

Mastin, Bernard

18 – 1961 at The Orchards, Main St

Mastin, John

18/19 – at 70 Main St

Mastin, John R

18/19 – at 65 Main St

Mathers, Matthew

Mathers, Mrs Sarah Ann (nee Stafford)

16 – 17/06/1879 – Matthew Mathers married Sarah Ann Stafford   




Matthews, William

Matthews, Mrs Catharine (née Harston)

16 – 10/02/1697 – William Matthews married Catharine Harston    

Matthews, Anthony

Matthews, Jane

35 1841 Census

Anthony Matthews, age 25 b~1816, N(not in Notts), Woodman

Jane Matthews, age 30 b~1811, Y in Notts),

Folio 5, 862

Matthews, Belle

3 see Talents H

3 Ms Belle Mathews – d 25.5.1893 aged 28 ? nurse of St Bartolomew’s Hospital; b~1865

(four stones in same grave surround)

Mayfield, Susannah

Mayfield, George

Mayfield, Alfred

15 Alfred, Susannah, George – prize for school attendance during period

21st December 1893 Annual Childrens Concert, Susannah sang “The Worst Girl in the School“.

Mayfield, Miss Mary Ann (later Mrs Shelborne)

Shelborne, Leeson

16 – 24/11/1894 – Leeson Shelborne married Mary Ann Mayfield

McDonald, Ms Winifred

Revill, Ms Rose Hellen

3 Ms Winifred – d 11.12.1950 aged 40; b~1910


Ms Rose Hellen Revell d 8.8.1975 b 1-.11.1886

Mellers, Willm

Mellers, Mrs Mary (nee Brincley)         

16 – 21/04/1632 – Willm Mellers married Mary Brincley          

Merrin, John R

20 – no Christian names given – 1950 at Honeycomb, p.res

18/19 – 1957-1961 at Beckingham Road

Merry, Alan F

20 – 1950 Notts County Constabulary Tel Newark 616

18/19 – at Beckingham Rd

Mettam, –

Mettham, Mr John

(? Children of John? or possibly his siblings?)

Mettham, Horace

Mettham, Edith

Mettham, Ethel

3 d 22.3.1925 aged 15months

8/32/33 – Mr John – in 1894 wheelwright.  In 1897, 1900-  joiner – relationship to above unknown

15 – Horace, Edith – awarded prizes for school attendance during period. 21st Dec 1893 Annual Childrens Concert,  Ethel gave a recitation “The Naughty Dolly“.

Mettham, Mr John

Mettham, Mrs Annie (née Hill)           

16 – 19/02/1883 – John Mettham married Annie Hill       

8 Mr John – in 1900 joiner – relationship to above unknown

Miller, Miss Mary (later Mrs Simons)

Simons, Thomas Peregrine H

16 – 22/09/1874 – Thomas Peregrine H Simons married Mary Miller   

Miller, Mr Robert

Miller, Lizzie

=Miller, Miss Elizabeth

3 Mr Robert – d 6.4.1882 aged 60; b~1822

15 Lizzie  received a good attendance prize in period 1873 – 1877. In 1877 Lizzie’s handwriting was criticised by the school inspector (Barrington-Ward). 

Aged 19 in 1887, b~1878 she started work as the sewing and assistant mistress.  She resigned in July 1888.

Miller, Miss Fanny (later Mrs Vessey)

Vessey, William

16 – 19/05/1884 – William Vessey married Fanny Miller  

Miller, Miss Annie (later Mrs Leaning)

Leaning, Lewis

16 – 30/03/1885 – Lewis Leaningmarried Annie Miller

Mills, Jane

18/19 – at 22 Main Street

Millington, Mr George Millington, Mrs Mary

3 Mrs Mary – d 2.7.1800 aged 42 ? wife to Mr George; b~1758

3 Mr George

16 – 29/05/1797 – George Millington married Mary Coe (aged 39?)

Millns, William Thompson

Millns, Mrs Sarah (née Young Lee ?)

16 – 07/06/1881 – William Thompson Millns married Sarah Young Lee

Milns, John

Mills, Mrs Ann (née Ellis)

16 – 12/04/1841 – John Milns married Ann Ellis

see below

Milns, John

Milns, Ann

Ellis, William

Ellis, Mrs Harriet

35 1841 Census

John Milns, age 20 b~1821, Y(in Notts), woodman

Ann Milns, age 20 b~1821, Y(in Notts),

Living in the household of Ann’s brother

William Ellis, age Cordwainer.

Harriet Ellis, age 20 b~1821, N(not in Notts),

Folio 5, 862

Milnes, Mr John

5 Mr John – get details

Milnes, Florence

18/19 –  1957-1961 at Chapel Lane

Milner, Mr William

7/27 Mr William – in 1864 and 1869 blacksmith

Milner, Mr Harry

34 Mr Harry in 1912 listed as a commercial traveller

Mills, Mr John

15 Mr John – Had 5 small children in 1857, neighbour to John Roberts on Rev Frederick Taverner’s map.

Minkley, Miss Alice (later Mrs  Sims)

Sims, Robert Bates

16 – 07/02/1900 – Robert Bates Sims married Alice Minkley             


36 – Wll Proved – 1728

Mitchell, Miss Dorothy (later Mrs Whetten)

Whetten, Robert

16 – 03/03/1756 – Robert Whettenmarried Dorothy Mitchell       

Mitchell, Mr John

3 Mr John – d 20.2.1890 aged 68; b~1822

30 – in 1881 listed as resident, but no details.

15 Mr – in 1881, 1882 and 1886, one of managers of the National School.

Moger, John J

19 – 1957 at Coddington Moor Cottage

Monk, Mr Samuel

3 Mr Samuel – d 14.11.1903 aged 73

Moore ? see also Moor, More


36 – Will Proved – 1682 Spinster

Moore, Miss Hannah (later Mrs White)

White, John

16 – 01/02/1783 – John White married Hannah Moore

Moore, Mary

Giles, John

Giles, Eliza

35 1841 Census

Mary Moore, age 15 b~1826, Y(in Notts), Female servant

In the household of

John Giles, age 50 Independent.

Eliza Giles, age 50

Folio 12, 862

Moor, Miss Elizabeth (later Mrs Hough)

Hough, Thomas

16 – 28/04/1823 – Thomas Hough married Elizabeth Moor           

Moore, Mr Mark

3 Mr Mark – d 8.4.1978 aged 4 months

More, Thomas

More, Mrs Isabell (née Mason)

16 – 12/05/1664 – Thomas More married IsabellMason         

More, Thomas

More, Mrs Elizabeth (née Watson)

16 – 30/08/1774 – Thomas More married Elizabeth Watson     

Morgan, Mr Henry

Morgan, Mrs Sarah Anne

34/23 – in 1912, 1923 Henry Morgan listed as p.res, no address resident, no details.

21/22/9 in – 1936-8 Mr Henry at The Old Vicarage

3, 13 Mr Henry – d 8.6.1940 in 95th year; b~1845

3 Mrs Sarah Anne ? d 9.2.1927 in 82nd year – wife to Mr Henry; b~1845

Morland, William

Morland, Mrs Mary (née Cooey)

16 – 31/10/1812 – William Morland married Mary Cooey

Morley, Mr Victor

9 Mr Victor ? in 1928 poultry breeder




Morris, Mr Charles

Morris, Mrs Sarah

3 Mr Charles – d 20.9.1907 aged 70; b~1837

31/33/8 Mr Charles – in 1892, 1897,1900 farm bailiff to Col. Thorpe

3 Mrs Sarah – d 19.9.1909 aged 69 – wife to Mr Charles; b~1840

Morris, Miss Annie (later Mrs Doncaster)

Doncaster, John William

=? Morris, Miss below

16 – 26/12/1899 – John William Doncaster married Annie Morris.         

Morris, Ms Henrietta

3 Ms Henrietta – d 17.8.1932 aged 66; b~1866

15 Miss Morris had to deputise as sewing mistress in 1884 for Mrs Jane Johnson, and in 1885 when Mrs Griffiths resigned.

Morris, Lucy A

18/19 – 1957-1961 at The Parsonage, Newark Road

Moss, Miss Ada (later Mrs  Woodroffe)

Woodroffe, William Albert

16 – 29/11/1900 – William Albert Woodroffe married Ada Moss    

Mottram, George

Mottram, Mrs Sarah (née Pratt)

16 – 13/12/1750 – George Mottram married Sarah Pratt   

Mottram, Miss Phebe (later Mrs Snell, later Mrs Fletcher)

Snell, John

Fletcher, Charles     

16 – 23/12/1794 – John Snell married Phebe Mottram


16 – 22/12/1806 – Charles Fletcher married Phebe Snell.  

Mucklow, Miss Harriet (later Mrs Plumber)

Plumber, William

16 – 07/03/1836 – William Plumber married Harriet Mucklow         

Mumby, Mr Owen Spencer D

10 Mr Owen Spencer D in 1941. Built “Nether Lodge”, Newarek Road, 1926

10/20/21/22 – 1932 – 1936-8 – 1942-1950 Tel Nwk 640, p.res

18/19 – DA 1957-1961 at The Spinney, Beckingham Road

Mumby, John D

18/19 – at Coddington House

Murray, Ernest

18/19 1957-1961 at War Ray, Beckingham Road

Muxley, Audley

Muxley, Mrs Sarah (née Wate)

16 – 13/04/1762 – Audley Muxley married Sarah Wate

Muxlow, Miss Elizabeth (later Mrs Swingbourne)

Swingbourne, John

16 – 04/12/1797 – John Swingbourne married Elizabeth Muxlow