The Village War Memorial and Roll of Honour lists are held in trust for the local community by All Saints Church, Coddington. In August 2013 Coddington Parish Council asked the History Group to help produce a book to mark the centenary of the start of the war.

The two sources and our research gave a list of 86 men. The amount of extra detail found for each man varies widely; inevitably more has survived about those in positions of authority. However we hope that more information may come to light in the next few years, allowing update of our website (you will find a pdf file of the current version of the book available for download below).

Lest We Forget

We hope that this book will make the men more real to us today, and serve as a small tribute to all those connected with Coddington who served, suffered or died in ‘the war to end all wars’. Their true memorial must be the way we live our lives today and the future we leave to those yet to come.

The majority of the book is devoted to biographies of the individual men. These are preceded by some observations about the men’s previous military experience and where they served. The biographies of the men are followed by some information about a few related local topics, and a brief overview of the war (mainly covering the Western Front).

The book is the result of collaboration between the Parish Council, the History Group, the Church, and residents (past and present) of Coddington.

Great War Book Team: David Armstrong, Jackie Armstrong, Michael Bache, Jane Hedge, Mary Molloson, Bob O’Donnell, Fred Reed, David Turner, Isobel Turner. Cover design concept by Michael Bache.

Note: The first page is blank – scroll down for the rest of the book! (this is so the pdf is laid out like the printed version, when viewed in two-page view).